class: middle, dark # .big-one[.yellow[Building Interactive npm Command Line Applications]] ### .yellow[i.e. hot take on CLIs] --- class: middle, dark, center # .big-one[       .yellow[Web Unleashed]] --- class: middle, dark, center # .big-one[ I am .yellow[[@_lrlna](]] --- class: middle # .orange-border[,     ] # .small-media[.orange-border[[Small Media Foundation](] ] --- class: middle, center, dark #      .yellow-font[-->]     --- class: middle, dark, light # .big-one[.brown[Building Interactive npm Command Line Applications]] ### .yellow[i.e. hot take on CLIs] --- class: center, middle, light # .align-centre[.brown[I <3] ] --- class: center, middle, light # .align-centre[.brown[4G of Ram]  ] --- class: center, middle, light # .align-centre[.brown[I <3 CLIs]] --- class: middle, light # .brown-font[.javascript[yourCoolCli -rgb global-status --latest -m]] --- class: middle, light # .brown-font[.javascript[tar -xfv /path/to/file]] #### where x === --get --- class: middle, light # .brown-font[.javascript[yourCoolCli -rgb global-status --latest -m]] -- # .yellow[lol wut?] --- class: middle, dark # .yellow[Monday] # .yellow-font[.javascript[yourCoolCli -rgb global-status --latest -m]] --- class: middle, dark # .yellow[Tuesday] # .yellow-font[.javascript[yourCoolCli -rgb global-status --latest -m]] --- class: middle, dark # .yellow[Wednesday] # .yellow-font[.javascript[yourCoolCli -rgb global-status --latest -m]] --- class: middle, dark # .yellow[Thursday] # .yellow-font[.javascript[yourCoolCli -rgb global-status --latest -m]] --- class: center, middle, light    --- class: middle, light # .brown[Friday] # .brown-font[.javascript[yourCoolCli -rgb global-status --latest -m]] --- class: middle, dark # .yellow-font[.javascript[yourCoolCli -rgb global-status --latest -m]] ## .yellow[lol wut?] --- class: middle, light # ,  # .brown[so what's a command line application ?] --- class: middle, light # .brown[git] # .brown-font[.javascript[git rebase i veryCoolSHA]] --- class: middle, light # .brown[npm] # .brown-font[.javascript[npm i coolModule@latest --save]] --- class: middle, light # .brown[vagrant] # .brown-font[.javascript[vagrant halt processID]] --- class: middle, light background-image: url(./src/images/ls.gif) background-size: cover # .yellow[ls] # .yellow-font[.javascript[ls -al]] --- class: middle background-image: url(./src/images/cowsay.gif) background-size: cover # .yellow[cow-say] # .yellow-font[.javascript[cowsay hello web unleashed]] .citation[] --- class: middle, dark # .yellow[wombat] # .yellow-font[.javascript[wombat hello web unleashed]] .citation[] --- class: middle background-image: url(./src/images/wombatjs.gif) background-size: cover .citation[] --- class: middle, dark # ,  # .yellow[so what's a command line application ?] --- class: middle > Command Line Interface is a means of interacting with a computer program where the user *issues commands to the program* in the form of successive lines of text. .blockquote-footer[[the internet](] --- class: middle, light # .brown-font[issues commands to the program] --- class: middle, light # .brown-font[~~issues commands to~~ interacts with the program] --- class: middle # .yellow[Some] of us work quite a bit in terminal and command line setting --- class: middle, light # But not .yellow[everyone] --- class: middle, dark # .yellow-font[.javascript[yourCoolCli -rgb global-status --latest -m]] # .yellow[lol wut?] --- class: middle, light # .brown[We care about user experience in the web, but not in our terminals] --- class: middle, light # .brown[let's fix it] --- class: bottom, center background-image: url(./src/images/excited-baby.gif) background-size: cover --- class: middle, light # .brown[Irina's guide to interactivity™] ### .brown-font[aka level up your CLI skillz] --- class: middle, dark #  .yellow-font[,]  #.yellow[so you want to write a command line module?] --- class: middle, dark .twitter-img[] .citation[[](] --- class: middle, dark .twitter-img[] .citation[[](] --- class: middle, dark .twitter-img[] .citation[[](] --- class: middle, dark .twitter-img[] .citation[[](] --- class: middle, dark .twitter-img[] .citation[[](] --- class: middle, dark .twitter-img[] .citation[[](] --- class: middle, dark .twitter-img[] .citation[[](] --- class: dark --- class: center, middle, dark # .align-center[ .yellow-font[-------> bash?]] --- class: center, middle, dark # .align-center[ .yellow-font[-------> ruby?]] --- class: center, middle, dark # .align-center[ .yellow-font[-------> perl?]] --- class: center, middle, light # .align-center[ .brown-font[-------> node]] --- class: center, middle # .align-centre[ argument parsing] --- class: center, middle, dark # .yellow[.javascript[process.argv.slice(2)]] --- class: center, middle background-image: url(./src/images/parser.gif) background-size: cover background-position: left --- class: center, middle, light # .align-center[ .brown-font[------->node]] --- class: middle, light # .brown[Irina's guide to interactivity™] ### .brown-font[aka level up your CLI skillz] --- class: middle, dark # .yellow[Level 1] #  .yellow-font[argument parsing]]]] --- class: bottom background-image: url(./src/images/yargs.png) background-size: cover background-position: left .citation[] --- class: middle ### .yellow[] ### .yellow[] ### .yellow[] --- class: bottom background-image: url(./src/images/yargs.png) background-size: cover background-position: left .citation[] --- class: middle, light # .brown[Irina's guide to interactivity™] ### .brown-font[aka level up your CLI skillz] --- class: middle, light # We use .brown[options] on daily basis -- ```shell npm install -g yargs@latest ``` --- class: middle, dark # .yellow[Level 2] # .yellow-font[Give your options] .yellow[aliases] --- class: middle, dark ```javascript var argv = require('yargs') .usage('Usage: $0 -n [string] -f [string]') .option('n', { alias: 'name', describe: 'Twitter name of your choosing', type: 'string', demand: true }) ``` .citation[] --- class: middle, dark ```shell twitter-node-name --name ira<2728> ``` # .yellow[or] ```shell twitter-node-name -n ira<2728> ``` .citation[] --- class: middle, dark # .yellow[Level 3] # .yellow-font[Set up] .yellow[default] .yellow-font[values] --- class: middle ```javascript .option("yellow", { alias: "y", describe: "yellow wombat", type: "boolean", default: true }) ``` .citation[] --- class: middle, dark # .yellow[Level 4] # .yellow-font[Provide a] .yellow[help] .yellow-font[menu]  --- class: middle, light ```javascript var argv = require('yargs') // all your options .help() .argv ``` --- class: middle, light ```javascript Usage: twitter-node-name -n [string] -f [string] Options: -f, --file File with your Access Tokens [string] [required] -n, --name Twitter name of your choosing [string] [required] Missing required arguments: f, n ``` .citation[] --- class: middle, dark # .yellow[Level 5] # .yellow-font[Get] .yellow[input] .yellow-font[from your users] --- class: middle, light ```javascript prompt.start() var property = { name: "yesno", message: message, validator: /y[es]*|n[o]?/, warning: "Please respond with yer or no", default: "yes" } prompt.get(property, function(err, result) { if (err) console.log(err) done(result) }) ``` --- class: middle, light ```bash prompt: Are you sure you want to overwrite: (yes) ``` --- class: middle, light # .align-center[.brown[wow p cool]  .brown[prompt] ] .citation[] --- class: middle, light ```javascript // where setuprc is your questions file promzard(setuprc, function(err, data) { // do <2728> magic <2728> with data } // setuprc module.exports = { "displayName": prompt("Hey stranger, what shall you be called?", function(displayName) { return displayName; }) } ``` --- class: middle, light ```bash Hey stranger, what shall you be called?: irina ``` --- class: middle, light # .align-center[.brown[wow p cool]  .brown[prompt] ] .citation[] --- class: middle, dark # .yellow[Level 6] # .yellow-font[Why not use] .yellow[commands] .yellow-font[?]  --- class: middle, light # .brown-font[We can make options] .brown[descriptive] --- class: middle, light #.brown-font[but they are not] .brown[*interactive*] --- class: middle, light # user issues commands to the program --- class: middle, light # user ~~issues commands to~~ .brown[interact] with the program --- class: middle, light # .align-center[.brown[wow p cool]  .brown[commands] ] .citation[] --- class: middle, light # .brown[yargs] .brown-font[lets you build out command modules] --- class: middle, light ```javascript yargs.command(require('text')) .help() .argv ``` --- class: middle, light ```javascript exports.command = 'text
' exports.describe = 'text message your contact' exports.builder = { contact: { default: 'mom' }, message: { default: 'brunch on sunday?' } } exports.handler = function (argv) { // do <2728> magic <2728> } ``` --- class: middle, dark # .yellow[Level 7] # .yellow-font[Just add] .yellow[colour]  --- class: middle, light # .align-center[.brown[wow p cool]  .brown[colour] ] .citation[] --- class: middle, light ```javascript clc.yellow(wombat + concatArgvs(argv._)) ``` --- class: middle, light # .align-center[.brown[wow p cool]  .brown[colour] ] .citation[] --- class: middle, light ```javascript chalk.yellow(wombat + concatArgvs(argv._)) ``` --- class: middle, dark # .yellow[Level 8] # .yellow-font[Can we get the user to] .yellow[interact] .yellow-font[with the program other than prompts?] --- class: middle, light # .align-center[.brown[wow p cool]  .brown[inquirer] ] .citation[] --- class: middle, light ```javascript var prompt = inquirer.createPromptModule(); prompt({type: 'list', message: 'yourCoolQuestionPrompt' }) .then(// do <2728> magic <2728>); //{type: 'list'} //{type: 'checkbox'} ``` --- background-image: url(./src/images/magic.gif) background-size: cover class: bottom, center # .brown[alt='magic'] --- class: middle, dark --- class: middle, light # .brown[Get out there, and build command line interfaces] --- class: middle, dark # .big-one[.yellow[Thank you] ] ## .yellow[[@_lrlna](] ## .yellow[]